Monday, 18 April 2011

Zane Grey in Liverpool

Pictured to the left is Zane Grey (1872-1939), published author of 62 novels, with his 758 pound tuna, his first world record, caught in Liverpool Nova Scotia, August 20th, 1924.  Since Grey was fishing outside the regulated jurisdiction of the Tuna Club he was never credited as having caught the World Record tuna and the Islander ran only a brief notice of his catch that was relegated to a back page.  

Billed at his death as "the greatest selling author of all time,"  his work exceeded in sales "only by the Bible and the Boy Scout Handbook," Zane Grey was as much a brand as a writer - a brand that would eventually come to encompass films, television series, a monthly magazine, a saltwater fishing reel, even a Pacific sailfish by the name of Istiophorus greyi. Grey had a deep and pervasive effect on the way America saw itself, and he was perhaps the crucial figure in the romanticization of the West that has yet to loose its grip on the nation. Now many years after his death, at age 67, his books still sell and two of his fishing records have never been beaten. Zane Grey's audience is suddenly vanishing in the grave as few people under the age of 50 know of him.

Nova Scotia's Atlantic Bluefin population has depleted by 90% since the 70s and is no longer fished, in an effort to increase its numbers.

A walk along Liverpool's waterfront will take you to a plaque posted in recognition of Zane Grey's visitation and prize catch.