Monday, 2 May 2011

Why Liverpool??

"Why retire or semi-retire in Liverpool".  Liverpool offers an old fashioned lifestyle where one knows their neighbours, where it is safe for the children to play, where the tree lined streets cast dappled patterns on the beautiful Victorian homes and shops of the 18th century and where there is a tranquility in the air.   Liverpool reminds many of us, each in different ways, of a place from our childhood with a soft, slow paced, secure feel to it. Our  local radio station QCCR  99.9FM plays music from the 40s. 50s and 60s.  Nova Scotia has often been likened to the islands of New Zealand (aside from the dialect); with its slow pace, a love of oldies music and a very similar climate. So for those of you who do not want to travel half the way around the world to see New Zealand you can soak up the flavour here. 
Many young people are anxious to leave Liverpool, for the faster lifestyle and employment opportunities, but one is not surprised to discover that they return as they grow, for visits, then very soon, many of them, return to this very town to open a little business of their own or simply retire, with a good book or fishing rod in hand and the sound of the sea in their ears.  Liverpool, is very much apart from most of the touristy spots in Nova Scotia, although we do attract tourists in the summer months plus Liverpool serves the large Queens County population with its shops and stores that are open year around.
Liverpool is often regarded as the "banana belt" of Nova Scotia where we experience the mildest of winters, long springs with flowers blooming early, moderate summers with the breath of the sea cooling the summer air and long beautifully coloured autumns. Our many beautifully white sandy beaches welcomes your arrival. But don't be disappointed if you find that you are alone with the stones, the sand, the  sun and the sea.
It is very peaceful here in Liverpool where the Mersey River quietly glides through the town, as it rises and falls with the tides, and where it rushes along to merge with the sea.

She's Called Nova Scotia:  
One visit and you will also be hooked