Friday, 10 June 2011

Liverpool International Theatre Festival

Liverpool's 2012 International Theatre Festival is fast approaching and gearing up for a new line of  presentations.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with the festival -  started in 1992, the Liverpool International Theatre Festival (LITF) is an amateur theatre competition hosted every two years in the town of Liverpool, Nova Scotia, at the historic Astor Theatre. The event is organized by a dedicated group of volunteers who, with the aid of community and government sponsors, brings the world to our small-town stage for a diverse and appreciative audience. Check out the website and last years' comedy production as performed by the local amateur theatre group, "The Winds of Change". The Astor Theatre is now taking bookings for the 2012 LITF.

               Liverpool International Theatre Festival

Last Tango in Liverpool presented May 2010

LIVERPOOL ...... for fun, laughter and entertainment