Friday, 8 April 2016

Ivan Higgins' Sculpture Garden

A hobby that grew into a sculpture garden.

Meet Nova Scotia sculptor, Ivan Higgins as his eclectic imagination comes to life. Ivan’s simply magical and undoubtedly unique concrete creations will not only grab your eye but will capture your soul.
Ivan, an accomplished artist, began sculpting about 15 years ago with his sculptures becoming a natural and powerful extension of his art. His mammoth sculpting projects are a winter tradition at Cosby’s. Friends and customers constantly pop in and out of his ‘greenhouse’ studio in anticipation of watching his musings take shape. It is inspiring to witness his creations acquire form as they evolve from wire and concrete into unparalleled works of art.

Cosby's Garden Centre 
4122 Sandy Cove Road, Brooklyn, Nova Scotia

Take a wander through the Sculpture Garden where one is immediately surrounded by a host of abundantly fragrant blooming trees, shrubs, and flowers all complementing the artistry of Ivan’s amazing sculptures.