Wednesday, 14 August 2013

GODSPELL - the musical in Liverpool

Liverpool NS
Friday, August 16th and
Saturday, August 17th
8:00 pm
Tickets $15


The Nicholoadians Theatrical Society (TNTS), a not-for-profit theatre group, is presenting Godspell, a high-energy rock musical based on the Gospel of Matthew, and is full of songs, laughter, and stories. With well-known songs like "Day By Day", and toe-tappers like "All For the Best", Godspell appeals to people of all ages and interests.

Immediately following the Saturday evening performance, Canadian sensation, Bobby Curtola, will be bestowed the "The Prince Phillip Humanitarian Award" for his countless and enduring acts of humanitarianism.

Bobby Curtola first hit the pop charts in 1962, with hits including Indian Giver, Three Rows Over, Fortune Teller, and Hitchhiker. While his success on the Canadian charts has grown, Curtola remains selfless and humble, as proven by his tireless charity work for muscular dystrophy and service clubs across Canada. Curtola was appointed to the Order of Canada in October 1997, and will once again be honored for his benevolence on Saturday, August 17th with the "Prince Philip Humanitarianism Award".

Please visit us at to learn more about The Nicholoadians Theatrical Society!